Carpenter’s Kitchen Cabinet Package $3888

Individuals should do this if they want to upgrade from their old kitchen cabinets to new, finer ones without causing any damage to the wall or floor tiles. Both BTO and resale HDB apartments in Singapore are covered by this $3,888 kitchen cabinet renovation package.

A. Direct Carpenter Package

  1. Speak with Carpenter and arrange a site visit.

B. Professional Service

  1. Carpentry Detail Drawing

  2. Workmanship warranty after sales service

C. Plumbing Works

  1. Supply labor to install a kitchen sink and tap.

D. Carpentry Works

  1. Design and fabricate top and bottom kitchen cabinets in solid plywood and laminate finish (total of 20 feet).

    • ABS trimming doors and handles

    • Frosted glass panel door x 1

    • Soft-close hinges

    • Dish rack x 1

    • Free Upgrade to Internal Color PVC

  2. Supply labor and material to install quartz countertops.


Is replacing the kitchen cabinet doors alone more cost-effective?

When you replace your kitchen cabinets, every part must be disassembled and replaced, including the cabinet box structure and doors. It is common for homeowners to replace both the upper and lower cabinets when they replace their kitchen cabinets. This provides them the option to select comparable or similar materials, colors, styles, and finishes. New kitchen cabinets are usually more expensive and last longer than just replacing the door fronts.

What is the price of a kitchen cabinet in Singapore?

In Singapore, a HDB kitchen cabinet replacement might run you anything from $5,000 to $8,000 on average. The cost of your project may exceed or fall short of average, depending on your specific requirements. The price of replacing cabinets varies dependent on a number of variables, including your location; certain places charge more than others for renovation work. Additionally, the price of replacing your cabinets may differ based on:

The layout: The cost of your new cabinets will increase if you need to install them in a huge layout. Larger kitchens or bathrooms will also cost more because you'll probably need additional cabinets.

The style: Complex cabinet door designs can cost more than more straightforward ones. Choosing straightforward cabinet designs will help you save money overall. To save money, you shouldn't, however, compromise your kitchen's style and practicality.

Let’s work together

  • Our contact number, +65 9777 0517, is a hotline that does not quote the owner. Our carpenter will be able to advise you much better.

  • Yes. However, there will be charges for dismantling. Our carpenter will quote you on the dismantling fees upon site visit. Do note that our carpenters do not dismantle concrete sinks, hobs, or concrete cabinets, as this requires professional hacking services.

  • Carpenter does provide a wide range of quartz selections for you to choose from.

  • Our carpentry services cater more to key-collected flats, as the flat is already vacant and ready for our carpenter to take measurements. The prices quoted will be accurate, and installation downtime will be faster.

  • No cash payment. Cheque made payable to 'One Carpentry Pte. Ltd.' or by bank transfer or Paynow to our UEN.

  • Our carpenter does coordinate with the tiler to construct the cabinet base and the electrician to install lighting. Get a quote from us.